Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Our window display is famous!

Remember our window display we created for 5lb Appearal? The same contest is happening again this year and our display is front page! This will be another event to check out on Friday. You can vote for your favorite window display while you're downtown. The winner will be announced Monday December 5th

Meeting on SUNDAY

Hope everyone had a great holiday! We sure did. In celebration of art (LITERATURE!!) and the next big holiday Rebecca Clarke will be hosting a white elephant book exchange tomorrow evening at the library center! It is at 7:30 pm. Bring a book, join the club, make new friends!
From Becca:
Bring a gift wrapped book from your collection to give away. It's also an opportunity to wear your strange, funny , or just plain ugly holiday-inspired attire. A prize goes to the most outrageous.

Our last meeting of the year will be this Sunday December 4th at 5pm in Brick City (upstairs by the couches). We are going to talk NEW YORK like never before and share our numbers from the auction and bake sale.  
Free cookies!

THIS FRIDAY is the December Art Walk. Check out the Post-It show at LemonDrop, our auction location. It should be awesome as always!

Click HERE for more information about Friday.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Give Thanks for ART

Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday!
Thank you to everyone that helped with the bake sale yesterday. We raised $100!!! Next semester we'll have a Valentine's bake sale so start collecting ideas on Pinterest. New York here we come!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Be Inspired!

This was shared in ART 466 today by Steve Willis. Thought everyone would enjoy this video!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011



These are some of the pages you will see while registering. The most important is the EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT page! For Art Education students that register before January 30th your price will be $75!!!!!! To become an NAEA member you'll pay a $25 fee for the whole year. That is $100 total, not too bad! We're thinking of renting an apartment in Brooklyn from which will be $255 for the four days and three nights. Tickets to New York are fairly cheap right now so HURRY and buy your plane ticket. We will be applying for SOFAC funding from Missouri State ASAP. These funds plus the money we raised will help keep out of pocket costs very low. Email any of the officers for additional information! Click the contact link to the right of the page for a list of emails.

REMINDER: if you do not participate in fundraising, you will NOT receive any funding from NAEA towards conference. The next fundraiser is the bake sale on Monday the 21st from 11am-4pm. Our next meeting is this SUNDAY the 20th which will also be our BAKE NIGHT! Location and time TBA

Monday, November 14, 2011

Auction Outcome

Auction Outcome:
We raised a nice chunk of money for New York, made a donation to Lemondrop, and are in the process of picking an art organization for another donation! THANK YOU to all the helped, the NAEA officers, LemonDrop Crew, and Art Ed students. A special thanks to all the great Art Walkers that bid on our items. Also we would like to thank our musicians and donors!

Curly and Red
Ancient Device
Audio Airway
DJ Dudditz

John Ehlers
Abbe Ehlers
Allison Ehlers
Anne Ehlers
Meredith Muenks
Prof. Duat Vu
Dr. Steve Willis
Maceo's Boutique
Urban Flea Market
Paula Moore
Mackenzie Moore
Battlefield Lanes
Neely Hatchel
Justin Hilton
Red Velvet
Kevin Ehlers
Patrick Sexson
Victoria Branch
Meganne Rosen-Oniel
Pictures from the event will be posted this week!

Bake Sale in NOVEMBER

Our first BAKE SALE was postponed due to a slight problem with our organization membership at MSU. All is well now and our bake sale is scheduled for:
11am-4pm outside of the PSU

Please sign up for table duty with Allison < click to email

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

    This Sunday, November 6th, there will be an NAEA meeting at 5 pm at Brick City.  We will be distributing what is left of the art auction items after this Friday so that all the items can be delivered; and we will be discussing a possible rescheduling of our bake sale and a recycled art project that we could get involved with in the near future. 

Reminder: Come out for the NAEA art auction this Friday at LemonDrop!  It is from 6-10 pm, and there will be live music throughout the evening and art hanging in the gallery in addition to the silent auction.  We will also be selling other items such as handmade earrings, headbands, and t-shirts.  We have a lot of awesome items on the silent auction, so come and place some bids!  The proceeds will help NAEA members go the National NAEA conference and a portion of the proceeds will go to a local arts program in Springfield in need of support.  For more details, visit

Meredith Muenks

Tuesday, November 1, 2011




Come out to Art Walk this Friday and stop by our AUCTION! We are so excited for our auction this year. We had a successful auction last year and expect this one to be bigger and better! We have live music, local art, refreshments and snacks, and everything you can imagine in our silent auction. ALSO check out the handmade jewelry and hair pieces our NAEAers worked hard on.

Welcome to the NAEA MSU Student Chapter Blog!

Thanks for stopping by!
This blog is here to keep Art Education majors at Missouri State University as well as art teachers across the country and our community up-to-date with what is going on within Missouri State University's National Art Education Association chapter.