Thursday, October 27, 2011

Art Auction at LemonDrop


Art night at Earlene's house! We are going to finalize the auction details while creating extra handmade goodies to sell. There are so many baskets we have put together that are in need of a final touch. Please join us tonight and help out. 

This silent auction is going to be HUGE!

Email Allison for details.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Knob Noster was a success!

This past Friday and Saturday some of our NAEA officers and members drove to Knob Noster, Mo for the MAEA fall conference. Here is a picture from the Drag n' Brag Friday night. We collected over 50 lesson plans with great images to go along with them. Come to the next meeting for copies!

Don't forget to print a flyer for Orange leaf for our fundraiser THIS THURSDAY!

Friday, October 7, 2011

October First Friday Art Walk

 Visit for more information.
See you at the Art Walk!

ALSO!!!! Make sure you check out:
Randy Bacon Photography and the Monarch Art Factory,
600 W. College St.
  Murals by Springfield Public High School Art Students

I recently finished a 20 practicum at Glendale High School and the mural I saw the advanced art students were working on is AMAZING!
-Allison, Co-President 

Thursday, October 6, 2011


The next meeting will be this Sunday at 5pm in Brick City. We're hoping to meet outside the Painting I room on the comfy chairs and couches.

We will...
  • finalize Orange Leaf details
  • discuss options for the art auction at Lemondrop
  • go over bake sale details/ bake night
  • ponder hotel possibilities for NY
  • look at T shirt designs
Anyone still needing to pay the $5 membership fee please do so at this meeting.
Thanks! Hope to see you there.

Here it is!

Print this as many times as you need! Pass them out to friends!
We look forward to seeing you on October 20th from 3-11pm

Monday, October 3, 2011

Orange Leaf Fundraiser!

MSU NAEA Orange Leaf night on October 20th 3-11pm

Receive 10% off with a flyer (will be posted soon) or first 3oz free with your student ID.
Proceeds help send the NAEA members to the national conference in March.


Look for us on October 28th and 31st. We'll be outside  the PSU (by the sidewalk in the back) set up at our little table selling GOODIES! Bring your quarters. Any members that would like to help contact:
Allison Ehlers or Meredith Muenks

Our $0.50 baked goods will be Halloween themed.
Here are some cute goodies from The Decorated Cookie

Welcome to the NAEA MSU Student Chapter Blog!

Thanks for stopping by!
This blog is here to keep Art Education majors at Missouri State University as well as art teachers across the country and our community up-to-date with what is going on within Missouri State University's National Art Education Association chapter.