Tuesday, November 15, 2011



These are some of the pages you will see while registering. The most important is the EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT page! For Art Education students that register before January 30th your price will be $75!!!!!! To become an NAEA member you'll pay a $25 fee for the whole year. That is $100 total, not too bad! We're thinking of renting an apartment in Brooklyn from AirBnB.com which will be $255 for the four days and three nights. Tickets to New York are fairly cheap right now so HURRY and buy your plane ticket. We will be applying for SOFAC funding from Missouri State ASAP. These funds plus the money we raised will help keep out of pocket costs very low. Email any of the officers for additional information! Click the contact link to the right of the page for a list of emails.

REMINDER: if you do not participate in fundraising, you will NOT receive any funding from NAEA towards conference. The next fundraiser is the bake sale on Monday the 21st from 11am-4pm. Our next meeting is this SUNDAY the 20th which will also be our BAKE NIGHT! Location and time TBA

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Welcome to the NAEA MSU Student Chapter Blog!

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This blog is here to keep Art Education majors at Missouri State University as well as art teachers across the country and our community up-to-date with what is going on within Missouri State University's National Art Education Association chapter.