Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy Birthday

to Baroque painter, Guido Reni (1575-1642).

Here is a list of his important works (via

Santa Cecilia, 1606
St. Joseph with Infant Jesus, 1635
Aurora, 1613-14

Happy Birthday (November 3)

to a few artists: Tezuka Osamu (1928-1989, Benvenuto Cellini (1500-1571), and Lois Mailou Jones (1905-1998).
An animator/manga artist, a painter/sculptor/goldsmith, and a painter... these artists have contributed many great pieces to society for us to enjoy.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Happy Birthday

to Roy Lichtenstein! He was born in New York City on October 27, 1923, and studied with artist Reginald Marsh (1898–1954) at the Art Students League in 1939. After graduating from Benjamin Franklin High School in New York City, he entered Ohio State University. However, in 1943 his education was interrupted by three years of army service, during which he drew up maps for planned troop movements across Germany during World War II.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Happy Birthday

to Pablo Picasso!!! Mr. Picasso was born in 1881 and remains, to this day, one of the most influential artists in history. You can read more about him in this biography. Meanwhile, here are some Picasso quotes:

"I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

"Inspiration exists, but it has to find us working."

"An idea is a point of departure and no more. As soon as you elaborate it, it becomes transformed by thought."

"God is really only another artist. He invented the giraffe, the elephant and the cat. He has no real style. He just goes on trying other things."

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Art and Design Gallery Exhibition

October 20- November 20, 2009
Visiting from Qingdao, China: Daqing Zhang and Yake Xu

Exhibit will be open November 6, from 6:00- 10:00 pm for Downtown Springfield's First Friday Art Walk

Located at the northwest corner of Jefferson and Walnut.

Happy Birthday

to Robert Rauschenberg! This American artist was born in 1925, and unfortunately passed in 2008. You can read more about him here.
Happy Birthday, Mr. Rauschenberg!!! :)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Meeting: October 7, 2009

At the meeting we did little talking and lots of creating.

1) The mural for the Police Station has been cancelled due to circumstances at the station. There is, however, an Elementary School that is interested in having us paint a mural in their building. When we get details on that we will be sure to let you know!

2) T-shirts are in!!! If you would like to purchase one they are only $10.00! We are going to try to put in another order just as soon as we can, so be collecting orders and money from your friends and family who "support the arts in schools". :)

3) We are currently awaiting contact from a representative at the Downtown YMCA. On Halloween night they are putting on an art event that we could volunteer at. The only details we have right now are that it is on Halloween evening and is located at the Downtown Y on Jefferson Street. If you are interested in volunteering, leave a comment or email and we'll make sure to give you the specifics on the event!

4) A big thanks to those of you who came to the meeting and made bottle cap jewelry!!! We got so many bottle caps made and can't wait to put them all together. They look great!

If any of you have any ideas on fundraising ideas, community events, or any ways to improve NAEA, please let us know!

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Student Exhibition Center Schedule Fall 2009

Hey, everyone!
Just wanted to let you know that there are two exhibitions left for this semester at the Student Exhibition Center (SEC) located downtown Springfield across from the University Plaza Hotel.

1) October 27 to November 14
Art & Design Department- Art Club Competitive Exhibition
November 6: First Friday Reception- 6:00 to 10:00 pm

2) December 1 to December 10
Art & Design Department- BFA in Studio Art Exhibition
December 4: First Friday Reception- 6:00 to 10:00 pm

*Center hours are 1:00 to 5:00 pm, Tuesday to Saturday
838 East Walnut Street
Springfield, MO

Lynda Johnson, Director- 417.836.6996

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Alec Soth Lecture

Wow. Talk about a last minute reminder...
Renown photographer, Alec Soth, will be giving a lecture tonight at the Meyers Library on the Missouri State University campus. It is in the auditorium behind Kaldi's. It starts at 7:00 pm (like I said... last minute reminder) and I'm sure he will deliver mounds of inspiration and enlightenment. Thanks to the Photographic Society for bringing him in and hosting him!
You can find his website here and this is a little sneak peak of some of his work...
Hope to see you there!

Update: the lecture was awesome! Alec was hilarious and gave a fresh (at least for me) perspective on the art of photography in his lecture. His main point: be honest with your photography. Do what you feel like doing. Make connections, let one thing lead to the next. Photographers aren't narrative story tellers, they give points in a story and let the viewer put the story together themselves (connect the dots).
Here is a picture of Jessie and I with Alec Soth... he's easy on the eyes as well, might I add? Hehe.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Dearest Earlene:

Sorry again about the meeting tonight. It has been rescheduled for this Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 6:15 pm in the Art Annex.
Hope you have a great night! :)

Friday, October 2, 2009

Upcoming Meeting

There's an NAEA meeting!!!
We are going to meet in the Art Annex, on campus, at 6:15 pm this Monday, October 5, 2009.
We'd really love to see all of you there!
If you need a ride or have any questions leave a comment or email us at



Hey, everyone!
I hope your week was awesome. Just wanted to let you know that we went and picked up our t-shirts a couple nights ago. They turned out really well. We are super pleased with them. I've been wearing mine for the past two days... they're really comfortable and are an awesome (gender neutral) green color that goes with just about anything. I've worn it with jeans, black comfy pants and even to bed (hence the wearing it two days in a row... haha).
They are only $10.00!!!
This is one of our fundraisers for NAEA. We can also wear them, as a group, to events, other fundraisers (like the Art Day) and to conference.
If you are interested in buying one, let us know your name, size and how we can get ahold of you (phone, email...). You can leave a comment or email us at If you live in Springfield/go to MSU then we can get it to you for $10.00. If we need to send it to you, it will probably be just a bit more because of shipping costs (we do need the money before we can get you the shirt).

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Meeting: September 14, 2009

Hey, everyone. I hope your week is going great!
I just wanted to catch you up on what happened at our last meeting (a little over a week ago... woops).

1) We are still waiting to get the final design for the mural at the Springfield Police Station. As soon as Meredith receives it we will be setting up a schedule for us to go in and put it up on the wall. We have already gotten a couple of responses, but if you are interested in helping with any part of the mural (drawing, painting, providing supplies) leave a comment or email us at

2) Cider Days was this past weekend. I do believe that some of you guys volunteered at that with the YMCA... how did that go? It was pretty rainy all weekend. ):

3) Speaking of the YMCA, we had planned on doing an art workshop fundraiser at the Y on Halloween morning. Some things came up and got changed around. This is what's happening now: the Downtown YMCA is putting on an art day on Halloween morning (Saturday, October 31). It's not quite the same as what we were planning on doing, but we still want to be involved. Therefore, the Y has said that we can put our name "Missouri State University National Art Education Association Student Chapter" (man, that's a mouthful) on the event and we can help out that day. I'm not completely sure of the details, so I will have Kelsey get to you all on that when she gets the nitty gritty worked out with them. I still think it would be great for us to have our art workshop, but it looks like a better time for doing that would be this spring. More time to plan! :)

4) As the officers of NAEA Missouri State University Student Chapter, Meredith, Kelsey, Kate and I, really want for you guys to get the most out of this club/association/society... whatever you wanna call it. For that reason we would be super excited for all of you to get involved. What do you want out of NAEA? If you guys could do us a favor and answer that question for us (leave a comment or email) that would be awesome. We want to provide ways for you to get involved with the school and community, have fun, be able to have something to put on your resume, and get to know other art education majors at Missouri State. [*Just a little side note... you don't have to be an art education major to join NAEA so invite anyone you know who supports the arts, arts in schools, or school to join. :) ] We are striving to revamp NAEA and build it up this year. We can't do it without your help!

Again, if any of you have any ideas for NAEA whatsoever let us know.

Thanks guys! Stay tuned for upcoming events and goodies!!!


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Upcoming Meeting

Hey, everyone!

We are going to be having an NAEA meeting this Monday (September 14) at 7:00pm.
It will be in the ART ANNEX... not Panera. We will be meeting in the upper two classrooms.
Let Meredith know if you're going to be there so that we can order enough pizza!

Thanks guys,

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Meeting: August 30, 2009

Hey, everyone!

We had our first meeting of the school year today and we are all pumped about getting started!!!

Things you missed:

1) Kelsey made us a really neat tri-fold for us to display at student gatherings to try and get more involvement. It looks really good!

2) We are ordering t-shirts to sell. They say "I Support the Arts in Schools" on the front... they will be a gender neutral color (a "kiwi" color-- but "kiwi" sounds girly, so we'll call it a fun green). They should be here within a couple of weeks from today. If you would like to order one {we will post pictures of what they look like once we get them in} you can leave a comment on here or send us an email. Also, I'm pretty sure that if you join the NAEA Missouri State University chapter, you will get a discount on your shirt price.

3) There are conferences held twice by MAEA (Missouri Association of Art Education) each year. One in the Fall on October 9th and 10th in Knob Noster and another one in the Spring. There is also a National Conference (so so fun...) in the spring. This year it is going to be held in Baltimore, Maryland. Therefore...

4) We are going to be doing a few different fundraisers so that we can have more money for conference(s) and other fun activities.
* Craft Sale: we are going to be making different crafts to sell possibly at the Farmer's Market, conferences, possibly the Art Walk, and anywhere else we can. :)
* Youth Art Workshop: this is going to be an awesome way for us to give back, get our name out in the community, and to raise some money. We will be sending out invitations to the children in our neighborhoods to come out to a day of fun and making art. There will be a fee and then they can come and rotate stations, making an art project at each station. We may be partnering with the Downtown Y in this... which would be a total bonus. If you would be interested in hosting an art station at our fundraiser, leave a comment or email me at We need as many Art Education majors to participate in this fundraiser as we can get and it would be greatly appreciated!
* Silent Auction: this one isn't concretely decided yet. We would like to do a silent auction where we donate art pieces, gift cards, etc. People would bid on the item and the person with the highest bid wins!
If you have any other fundraising ideas (we'd like to keep it art related) let us know! We want your ideas and for you to feel like you are really a part of this group.

5) Our advisor, Judith Fowler, wants to have the NAEA Missouri State University chapter out to her place for a BBQ!!! This would be a super awesome way for us to get to know each other and just hang out, eat good food, and have fun. Did I mention that we are planning on having tons of fun this year??? ;)

6) The Springfield Police Department has requested for us to create a mural in their Press Conference Room (I think that's where... correct me if I'm wrong). Cameron is designing it. After the design is approved and finished we will sketch it up and start the process. We can't get this done without all of your help, so if you would be interested in helping in any way with the mural, leave a comment on here or send us an email. This is a great community service project with the opportunity to give back and get our name out there!

If you have any other ideas for fundraisers, activities... anything, don't be afraid to let us know. We are really looking forward to a new year and new things to do. Have a great week everyone!


Friday, August 28, 2009


Welcome to Missouri State University's Art Education Association blog! A new semester is upon us and we have so many ideas for the club! I look forward to seeing everyone at our first meeting on SUNDAY, AUGUST 30 at 4:00 at the Panera on Elm (located near campus).

Any questions? Email Meredith at

Welcome to the NAEA MSU Student Chapter Blog!

Thanks for stopping by!
This blog is here to keep Art Education majors at Missouri State University as well as art teachers across the country and our community up-to-date with what is going on within Missouri State University's National Art Education Association chapter.