Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Alec Soth Lecture

Wow. Talk about a last minute reminder...
Renown photographer, Alec Soth, will be giving a lecture tonight at the Meyers Library on the Missouri State University campus. It is in the auditorium behind Kaldi's. It starts at 7:00 pm (like I said... last minute reminder) and I'm sure he will deliver mounds of inspiration and enlightenment. Thanks to the Photographic Society for bringing him in and hosting him!
You can find his website here and this is a little sneak peak of some of his work...
Hope to see you there!

Update: the lecture was awesome! Alec was hilarious and gave a fresh (at least for me) perspective on the art of photography in his lecture. His main point: be honest with your photography. Do what you feel like doing. Make connections, let one thing lead to the next. Photographers aren't narrative story tellers, they give points in a story and let the viewer put the story together themselves (connect the dots).
Here is a picture of Jessie and I with Alec Soth... he's easy on the eyes as well, might I add? Hehe.

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