Tuesday, November 30, 2010

5 Pound Apparel

To be an active member of NAEA everyone is required to participate in a community service per semester.
Here is your chance to be involved!

There is a business opening on South St. between Elm and Walnut, and they need help with their window display. The story is that they give peanut butter to countries in need when you purchase something from their clothing store. So we are going to build a sculpture out of peanut butter jars in the shape of a peace sign, because that is symbolic of their purpose.

Wednesday (tomorrow) we are going to start the building process. We will be in room 7 at the Art Annex with all the supplies at the earliest 10am until 5pm at the latest. If you can come and help please let us know!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Meeting time and date change

There will be an NAEA meeting on Tuesday the 30th @ 8:00pm at the Coffee Ethic.
We will be discussing the spring MAEA conference, assigning art projects to build a downtown map, and if we get the supplies we will start building the window display.

Monday, November 22, 2010

The December 3rd Art Walk is around the corner! That means
is your last chance to see:

Biennial Faculty Exhibition Part I
November 5-23
It opened at First Friday Ary Walk: Nov 5, 6-10PM

"The Department of Art and Design is presenting the Biennial Faculty Exhibition Part I featuring work from Jimmie Allen, Keith Ekstam, Judith Fowler, Jacek Fraczak, Sharon Harper, Cedomir Kostovic, Sarah Perkins, Elizabeth Snipes, Duat Vu, Steve Willis, and Vonda Yarberry."

Visit the Art + Design blolg HERE

Sunday, November 21, 2010

MAEA 2011 Conference in Springfield, MO

MAEA Conference is March 3-5

Sign up now!
  • $35 dollar late fee after February 18th.
  • $25 dollars to register for NAEA/MAEA members or
  • $50 for nonmember (these are for students only, a guest would be $170 if someone wanted to bring a friend)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Upcoming meeting

The next meeting is November 29th @ noon at Brick City or Earlene's house. We're creating a window design for a local business downtown and WE NEED YOUR HELP!
Final location:TBA
For details email Earlene@

Monday, November 15, 2010

Here is your chance to support the arts!
We are selling shirts at the MSU Fall Dance Recital
Carrington Hall @ 6:30pm TONIGHT(ONLY TEN DOLLARS)

All the votes are in and your new NAEA officers for the next 2011 term are...
President: Earlene Elliot
Vice President: Meredith Muenks
Secretary/Web Master: Allison Ehlers
Treasurer: Becca Pirwitz

You can join our chapter too!
Studying Art Ed at MSU? Want to be a member? Please contact Earlene (Earlene123@live.missouristate.edu) if you are interested!

Meeting Schedule:
Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 8:30 at Coffee Ethic off the square
(unless emailed otherwise)

· One volunteer activity relating to Art Education per semester (opportunities will be provided at meetings such as volunteering for Springfield Regional Art Council at First Fridays, assisting in paint a mural for The Women and Children of Domestic Violence)
· Must attend 70% percent of the general meetings
·$5.00 due to Officers every semester

Welcome to the NAEA MSU Student Chapter Blog!

Thanks for stopping by!
This blog is here to keep Art Education majors at Missouri State University as well as art teachers across the country and our community up-to-date with what is going on within Missouri State University's National Art Education Association chapter.