Wednesday, November 2, 2011

    This Sunday, November 6th, there will be an NAEA meeting at 5 pm at Brick City.  We will be distributing what is left of the art auction items after this Friday so that all the items can be delivered; and we will be discussing a possible rescheduling of our bake sale and a recycled art project that we could get involved with in the near future. 

Reminder: Come out for the NAEA art auction this Friday at LemonDrop!  It is from 6-10 pm, and there will be live music throughout the evening and art hanging in the gallery in addition to the silent auction.  We will also be selling other items such as handmade earrings, headbands, and t-shirts.  We have a lot of awesome items on the silent auction, so come and place some bids!  The proceeds will help NAEA members go the National NAEA conference and a portion of the proceeds will go to a local arts program in Springfield in need of support.  For more details, visit

Meredith Muenks

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This blog is here to keep Art Education majors at Missouri State University as well as art teachers across the country and our community up-to-date with what is going on within Missouri State University's National Art Education Association chapter.