NAEA 2010-11
Officers Contact Info:
President: Kelsey Strange (Strange66 & 816-217-4641)
Vice President: Katherine Smith (Smith262 & 316-990-2871)
Treasurer: Rebecca Pirwitz (Pirwitz283 & 417-861-1701)
Secretary: Earlene Elliot (Earlene123 & 417-839-1965)
Meeting Schedule:
Every 1st and 3rd Monday night of the month at 8:00 at Panera Bread off National
(unless emailed otherwise)
NEXT Meeting is Mon, February 22 (this has been changed from Feb 15th due to the holiday.)
$5.00 due to Officers every semester
· One volunteer activity relating to Art Education per semester (opportunities will be provided at meetings such as volunteering for Springfield Regional Art Council at First Fridays, assisting in paint a mural for The Women and Children of Domestic Violence)
· Must attend 70% percent of the general meetings
As of the February 1st Meeting the following people are members (and have paid their dues.)
Kelsey Strange
Katherine Smith
Becca Pirwitz
Earlene Elliott
Allison Ackland-Coletta
Meredith Muneks
Sarah Blume
Allison Ehlers
Julie Merz
added: Barea Flatness
If you are not on this list but wish to be a member of MSU’s NAEA please pay $5.00 to one of the officers.
Thank you so much to everyone who attended this past meeting! It was great meeting everyone.
(Completion of requirements and paid dues will be noted and given to Judith Fowler and Steve Willis as evidence of active participation in the MSU chapter of NAEA at the conclusion of each semester.)
Things to Check out:
· Jacob Lawrence exhibition at the Springfield Art Museum (great diversity entry for e-portfolio)
· Check out the blog a few days before the nest meeting to see if we have any riddles so that you may win a prize at the next meeting!
NAEA Spring 2010 Goals:
· Fundraise and go to Baltimore (April 15-18)
o Hold meetings after Baltimore exhibiting what we learned
· Get in contact with the Springfield Regional Art Council for volunteer opportunities
· Go to the Missouri Conference in Kansas City (March 4-6)
· Sell “I support the Arts in Schools” t-shirts both locally and at Conference
· Create a new “Art Education” t-shirt (Katherine)
· Collect dues and create up –to-date roster (Earlene)
· Create a banner to beautify and give back to the community
· Opportunities to experience local art as a group
Updates on what’s going on before 2/1/10?
A. Ordered new t-shirts in different colors
B. Registration as NAEA
a. To register for the membership fee please click here…
ii. ($25)
C. MAEA Conference in KC (March 4-6)
a. To register for the Kansas City conference fee please click here…
It must be Caravaggio. Two of his works include: "The Crucifixtion of Saint Peter" and "Judith Beheading Holofernes."
Allison A-C
February 9, 2010 4:08 PM